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Industry Insights

Assessing Accounting Firm Candidate Commitment
Assessing Accounting Firm Candidate Commitment

By Emily Le Grys on Apr 26, 2022

We’ve recently been hearing more and more about the topic of “candidate commitment” from clients who are dealing with candidates pulling out of final-stage selection processes. You know who I mean; the candidates that seem really interested in a role, say all of the right things and then at the last moment, when you offer them the job, they decide they’re not interested. 

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Securing Top Talent in A Cautious Market
Securing Top Talent in A Cautious Market

By Emily Le Grys on Sep 21, 2021

With the working lives of so many impacted by COVID-19, it’s understandable that candidates’ priorities are changing too. Adjusting your approach can help you to attract talent despite industry challenges. Here’s a look at what to consider, and how to ensure your people strategy stays strong.

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