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Revolutionize Tax Season Hiring

Want to see if Accountests will work for your firm? Click on the button for a FREE trial test - use it on a candidate or get one of your staff to give it a go and see what they think.  


Exciting news for the tax and accounting industry! We have launched Tax Skills testing. This innovative solution helps tax firms and CPA firms evaluate tax knowledge or potential hires - from Tax Associates to Tax Managers. 

Tax firms needed something similar to our accounting technical test suite. We listened and created a series of tests to help them. We compiled an Expert Group of tax professionals to help is create the best questions for each tier of tax jobs. 

These tests are fully online with instant results, saving time in a candidate-short market. Tax firms can quickly identify and onboard talent. 

Tax Skills testing covers diverse tax issues with real-life scenarios. Initial tests focus on Individual Tax and Business Tax (you can see some of the Example Business Tax Questions here) – Questions are totally practical and focused on what you need tax associates to tax managers to know. Our plan is to further develop these over time with modules in specialized areas such as real estate or service based industries. 

Hiring remotely holds additional challenges, with limited face-to-face interviews and unreliable reference checks. Accountests addresses these issues with advice to firms on effective hiring processes, along with candidate testing.  Imagine the value of being able to ask 40 quick fire tax questions and getting a clear idea of where a candidate is at, even before you’ve gone to the trouble of getting an interview panel together. 

Our Tax Skills testing complements our Accountants Personality Profile, the world's first accounting-specific personality test.  

Ilona Brunner of Brunner Accounting Group (Northridge, CA) says, “Hiring professionals and vetting them is one of the most challenging and subjective areas of running an accounting business. Using skills testing has allowed us to gauge a candidate's skills so that we make more informed decisions, which saves us both time and money.” 

The mental anguish for a tax firm owner of a bad hire exceeds even the financial cost (which is assessed at 50% to 200% of starting salary). Use these tests to significantly increase your ability to hire the right person and save yourself time, money, and stress.



About the Authors

Giles Pearson FCA was a PwC Partner for 18 years before jointly setting up Accountests.  

Steve Evans has a whole career dedicated to enabling employers to attract, recruit, develop and retain talented individuals and teams, with particular expertise in candidate testing and assessment before setting up Accountests.

Accountests deliver the world’s only online suite of annually updated and country-specific technical knowledge tests designed by accountants for accountants and bookkeepers. 

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